The 55th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held at Caesar’s Windsor with Caldwell First Nation being the host Nation this year with the theme “Nation Building & Rights Rejuvenation”

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2024 Annual Report Here


The 54th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held in Wahta First Nation with the theme “Renewing Our Spirit through Unity”

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2023 Annual Report Here


The 53rd Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held in Batchewana First Nation this year with the theme “Seven Nations working for the next Seven Nations”

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2022 Annual Report Here


The 52nd Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held online this year due to COVID-19 with the theme “Rebuilding Our Canoe”

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2021 Annual Report Here


The 51st Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held online this year due to COVID-19

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2020 Annual Report Here


The 50th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on June 11th – 13th, 2019 at the Mohawk Community Centre, in Tyendinaga at the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA Here

Download the 2019 Annual Report Here


The 49th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on June 11th – 13th, 2018 at the Oneida Community Centre, Oneida Nation of the Thames.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here

Download the 2018 Annual Report Here



The 48th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on May 29th-31st, 2017 at Leamington, Caldwell First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here

Download the 2017 Annual Report here


The 47th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on June 7th-9th, 2016 at Wahta Mohawks First Nation

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here

Download the 2016 Annual Report here



The 46th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on May 26-28, 2015 at Batchewana First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

Download the 2015 Annual Report here.

  • Resolution No. 01/15 | Entrenching and Recognizing the Value of our Youth
  • Resolution No. 02/15 | Supporting the Indigenous Reclamation Process
  • Resolution No. 03/15 | Prioritizing Housing in our Communities
  • Resolution No. 04/15 | AIAI Rejects all Nuclear Waste Repositories in our Waterways and Territories
  • Resolution No. 05/15 | Critical Path for Jurisdiction of Child Welfare
  • Resolution No. 06/15 | Addressing the Surplus Funding from the Personal Education Credit to Support First Nations Residential School Survivors and their Families
  • Resolution No. 07/15 | Community Safety



The 45th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on June 3-5, 2014 at Hiawatha First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

  • Resolution No. 01/14 | Renewal of Commitments to Ipperwash Recommendations
  • Resolution No. 02/14 | Rejection of Bill C-10, Tackling Contraband Tobacco Act
  • Resolution No. 03/14 | Missing and Murdered Women
  • Resolution No. 04/14 | Federal funding and relationship advocacy campaign
  • Resolution No. 05/14 | Recital of the Treaty of Niagara
  • Resolution No. 06/14 | Culbertson Land Claim – Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
  • Resolution No. 07/14 | Supporting Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador’s application for judicial review regarding Bill C-33
  • Resolution No. 08/14 | Call for funding of federally imposed legislation



The 44th Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on June 4-7, 2013 at the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

  • Resolution No. 01/13 | Support for the Healing of Residential School Students and Intergenerational Issues
  • Resolution No. 02/13 | Call for Third-Party Management over the Senate of Canada
  • Resolution No. 03/13 | Suggested Change to the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians Constitution, Sections 13-14: Representation and Voting Members
  • Resolution No. 04/13 | Continuation of the Indigenous Reclamation Working Group (IRWG) Mandate
  • Resolution No. 05/13 | AANDC to Account for Loss of Personal Information
  • Resolution No. 06/13 | Call for Collective Response to the First Nations Financial Transparency Act



The 43rd Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on May 30 – June 1, 2012 at the Delaware Nation at Moravian Town.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

Download the 2012 AIAI Annual Report here.

  • Resolution No. 01/12 | Potential changes to delivery of Ontario Works benefits under the 1965 Welfare Agreement
  • Resolution No. 02/12 | Equitable funding to support health services
  • Resolution No. 03/12 | Stop fracking in our homelands
  • Resolution No. 04/12 | AIAI Member First Nations’ discussion table with Ontario post-IIPAC
  • Resolution No. 05/12 | A new Joint Action Plan for First Nations
  • Resolution No. 06/12 | Mission to support the Indigenous agenda
  • Resolution No. 07/12 | Establishment of an Indigenous Reclamation Working Group



The 42nd  Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on May 19, 2011 at Tyendinaga, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

Download the 2012 AIAI Annual Report here.

  • Resolution No. 01/11 | Recognition for Secondary School First Nation Language Credits
  • Resolution No. 02/11 | Formal Review of the Name of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians
  • Resolution No. 03/11 | Support for the Nomination of Justice Harry S. Laforme to the Supreme Court of Canada
  • Resolution No. 04/11 | New Title for the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs (Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs)
  • Resolution No. 05/11 | Support for Diabetic Drugs and Supplies through the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program
  • Resolution No. 06/11 | Increase Funding Under 1965 Welfare Agreement for Social Programs
  • Resolution No. 07/11 | Bill C-3 Impacts on the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program
  • Resolution No. 08/11 | Call for National Summit on Aboriginal Issues
  • Resolution No. 09/11 | Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI) Youth Council
  • Resolution No. 10/11 | Aboriginal Allocation to the Canada Summer Jobs Program
  • Resolution No. 11/11 | Support for the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte in the Retention of Title to the Culbertson Land Tract
  • Resolution No. 12/11 | Early Learning – Full-time Kindergarten Programs for First Nations



There were two General Assemblies held in 2010; the 41st  Annual General Assembly was held on June 4, 2010 at the Oneida Nation of the Thames, and a Special General Assembly was held on November 17-18, 2010 at Caldwell First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the Special Assembly here.

  • Resolution No. 01/10 | Political Strategy to Adequately Resource Mnaasged Child and Family Services and Support of Mnaasged becoming a Mandated Children’s Aid Society
  • Resolution No. 02/10 | Special Education Formula Funding Options
  • Resolution No. 03/10 | Post Secondary 3rd Party Options
  • Resolution No. 04/10 | Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program Shortfalls
  • Resolution No. 05/10 | Non-Closure of Hospitals in Ontario
  • Resolution No. 06/10 | Upstream Investments – Health Canada
  • Resolution No. 07/10 | First Nations Approach to our Natural Resources also known as Resource Sharing / Resources Benefit
  • Resolution No. 08/10 | Support Oneida to Access Funding for a Family Health Team
  • Resolution No. 09/10 | Canada’s Participation in G8 and G20 Summits
  • Resolution No. 10/10 | First Nations Tax Immunity
  • Resolution No. 11/10  | Wind Farm Development within the Great Lakes Basin
  • Resolution No. 12/10  | Inherent Right to Intertribal Trade
  • Resolution No. 13/10  | Proposed First Nations Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Resolution No. 14/10  | Harmonized Sales Tax – Retailer Non Compliance to First Nation Exemption
  • Resolution No. 15/10  | Taxation of First Nation Reserve Lands



The 40th  Annual General Assembly of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians was held on May 22, 2009 at Caldwell First Nation.

Download the compilation of all resolutions adopted at the AGA here.

  • Resolution No. 01/09 | Problem Gambling Program
  • Resolution No. 02/09 | Provincial Minister of Health Visitation to Communities
  • Resolution No. 03/09 | Ontario First Nations Limited Partnership Extraordinary Resolution
  • Resolution No. 04/09 | War of 1812
